So, after getting up before 2am Eastern Time, a 6+ hour drive South, we found the infamous Bonnaroo traffic jam on I-24.  We were on the wrong side of the highway to get to Bonnaroo.  We were supposed to get off at exit 111, but were being redirected to exit 127...that's a long way from 111.  After driving miles on the highway gaping at the huge line of traffic backed up on the other side of the road, we finally caught up with the end of the line on our side.  Lots and lots of miles from the exit we were supposed to be getting off at.  We sat there for a while, watched a few people hop out of their cars and march into the woods and use nature's restroom, then decided to just drive past our intended exit and try to come back around on the "right" side of the highway.

So we drove about 5 miles past that exit, turned around and came back.  There was virtually no wait that way, so we were thrilled - there were high-fives and everything!  All is well for a while as we drive these back-country roads - lo and behold, we find the traffic again.  Long story short, we sat in traffic for 5 hours before we got to the gates where they took tickets.  It was very hot.  I never have learned how to pee in the woods, so I needed a bathroom really bad.  We saw plenty of people peeing on the side of the road - I hope they don't use any of that corn for human consumption!  People that live along the route were selling everything from fruits and veggies to gasoline to dry ice.  When we finally got to the entrance gates, we laughed as we watch the safety guy search the car in front of us and take a good $50 of liquor out of various places, not because they were bringing in liquor - that's perfectly fine, it just can't be in glass bottles.  Did ya not read the rules before you spent that money?

Got directed to our campsite, which was nearly in the back of one of the furthest fields from Centeroo, we're jam packed in and everyone who got there in front of us has scooped up space like it's going out of style.  We had to infringe a bit on our neighbor's spots to put up our giant tent - note to selves, bring small tent next time  - which the guy next to us grumbled about, then they eventually rearranged cars so they had a ton of space anyway.  It started raining as we were setting up our stuff, but that was one of only two short rainshowers we'd experience over the sweltering 4 days ahead...

Monday, June 21, 2010 Posted in | , | 0 Comments »

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