Joe PugThe set-up at Radio Radio for this show was fantastic - the front tables were just a few feet from the stage!  Following our usual M.O. of being in line to get in before the doors opened, we managed to procure one of those front tables, which was perfect for shooting photos during the sets.  Not a huge crowd by any means, mostly late 20's through 30's folks.

Mandy Marie opened up the show - she's a local artist who usually plays with The Cool Hand Lukes.  During her set, she mentioned how much easier it is to get on stage with a full band and jam and be crazy as compared to standing up there alone and doing the singer/songwriter thing.  She played some good stuff, and was engaging and entertaining. 

Some highlights from Mandy's set:
  • Leaving Southern Missouri - Mandy was born and raised in Southern Missouri
  • My Husband
  • My Land of Make Believe
  • Why Do You Gotta Be A Dick To Me - No kidding, that's how the song went :)
I first heard Joe Pug's music via free EP download ("In the Meantime") he offered shortly after he played Bonnaroo 2009, I believe.  A couple of years ago when Joe was starting out, he offered fans unlimited copies of a 2-song sampler CD's for free to pass along to their friends.  He didn't want people to have to purchase a full album until they knew what they were getting.  Great way to promote your music and endear yourself with fans if you ask me.

He has a distinct sound that is diffcult to describe - maybe a mix of Americana and Indie-Folk.  His voice is gravely, yet smooth at the same time.  I would never have guessed that he is from Chicago - his music definitely has a bit of a Southern feel to it.  He seems to be a bit of a shy fellow, and soft-spoken, but still maintains a good stage presence.  At one point during the show, his foot-stomping had knocked a pile of his things off of a stool on the stage.  After he finished that song, he turned around and tipped everything else over, because it was clear it was going to happen anyway. 

Most of the songs Joe performed were off his most recent release, "Messenger".  Highlights from Joe Pug's set:

Sunday, June 6, 2010 Posted in | , , , , , | 0 Comments »

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