Lilith Fair was a late addition to the Indy Live Music concert schedule. The deciding factor was the offer of free lawn tickets from the Hamilton Town Center Verizon Wireless store in exchange for an old cell phone for their HopeLine project, which provides the phones to victims of domestic violence. It's a worthy cause, and it is hard to pass up free tickets!
After a quick gear change on stage, it was time for Courtyard Hounds
Next up was Miranda Lambert. She has the most country sound of the acts we saw on the Main Stage - a little more mainstream-y radio-ready country. You can tell that she has a great time onstage - dancing, playfully attacking bandmates (Mel's quote "She's crazy!"), spinning around with arms wide open, telling stories about how she's a partier but knows God is listening when she lays her head down at night. Just a fun, high energy show. As a side note, her fiance, Blake Shelton, was hanging out on the side of the stage watching her entire performance. After the show ended, while the crew was trying to pack up equipment, they were on the side of the stage playfully flirting/making-out. So there's your report on what's going on with one of country music's hottest couples (are they? I don't know...), if you're into that sort of thing.
Mary J. Blige took the stage next, and blew everyone away with her voice. She did covers of both U2's "One", and Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven", which she has recorded and put out as a single. She talked about how amazing it was that one of the biggest rock bands of all time allowed her to use their song. We expected her to have a bit of a diva attitude, but she instead came off as very connected to the messages in her music, and the energy of the audience. More people were on their feet with hands in the air throughout her set than any other. She did a fantastic job of drawing the audience in, and truely expressing her gratitude to everyone for coming, and for Sarah and all of the other female artists for making Lilith possible.
And last but certainly not least, it was time for Sarah McLachlan to take the front-and-center spot in front of a very expectant audience. She wasted no tim taking a seat at her grand piano and performing a flawless version of "Angel![](
". Then she stepped up to the front of the stage to sing "Building a Mystery
", and her new single "Loving You is Easy
". One of my personal favorites, "Stupid
" was up next, followed by "World on Fire", "I Will Remember You", another new song that I didn't catch the name of, "Adia", "Out of Tune", "Sweet Surrender", and "Possession". She then thanked everyone, and left the stage, but no one moved in anticipation of an encore. Sarah didn't disappoint - she came back out to sing "Ice Cream", then brought all of the ladies who performed on all the three stages to sing their own version of "Because the Night" by the Patty Smith Group. It was a great ending to a great evening.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Posted in |
Courtyard Hounds,
Lilith 2010,
Lilith Fair,
Lilith Fair Indianapolis,
Mary J Blige,
Miranda Lambert,
Sarah Mclachlan,
Suzanne Vega
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